From 2020 all schools will be required to teach first aid and basic life saving skills. This specially designed programme will meet the Governments 2020 guidelines as set out in the National Curriculum along with the NEW Ofsted framework,

"as part of making the judgement about the quality of education, inspectors will consider the extent to which schools are equipping pupils with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life" 
Ofsted School Inspection Handbook (2019).
Schools first aidOur programme can be divided across a number of weeks or delivered in a one day enrichment programme / PSHE project or similar event. These awards are aimed at all age groups across both primary and secondary schools. All the content is delivered by fully qualified and trained instructors. Our instructors will deliver first class training to youngsters and use their years of experience in the classroom to ensure pupils are fully engaged and motivated to learn during these sessions.
Please contact us to discuss further options and secure your booking.

"The quality of the courses and the trainers leading this were exceptional, the children remained engaged from start to finish. feedback from parents was excellent as pupils could not stop talking about it and showing their newly learnt skills. We will definitely be inviting you back again!" 
Mrs Swinton, Deputy Head.

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